Viveo Health platform provides a world-class customer experience and connects health insurance customers with services providers

the dots

Viveo's healthcare technology platform gives insurance providers, doctors, patients, clinics and companies a single solution that encompasses every factor of healthcare in order to improve access, convenience, and affordability of healthcare in a globally interconnected world.

Expand your customer base

Private health insurances makes quality healthcare affordable to a wider range of customers. Partnering with insurance companies not only brings additional patients through referrals but also facilitates new customer acquisition

Supporting a wide range of services and integrations

Viveo Health supports all standard features of health portals and can be extended with integrations. Our technical experts are at your service to ensure that all your services are successfully launched.

Reduce your administrative costs

With embedded insurance you are no longer tasked with filling the insurance claims and billing for each patient. By eliminating these tasks, you can focus on providing excellent patient care

Remain ahead of competition

All industries undergoing digital transformation have learned that building proprietary software takes more time and will soon be redundant. Building relationships with technology providers helps you stay focused on your primary business and let us take care of the implementation

Improve patient health outcomes and your brand image

By eliminating financial obstacles, patients can seek treatment promptly and consistently, resulting in better health outcomes in the long run. Using flexible bookign and communication tools buils a positive reputation that attracts more patients to your practise